Nick Holland wrote

The whole "C doesn't do strings" has always been complete Bull Sh*t in
my mind.  C does strings like the processor underneath does -- it
doesn't make complex operations involving moving thousands of bytes look
"simple".  While I do use Perl for some apps, the stuff it lets you get
away with in one line creeps me out horribly...knowing C and a few
(ancient) assembly languages, I know what is going on under the covers,
but I have sympathy for the new programmer (or very experienced
programmer who lacks certain bits of experience) who writes a ten line
program and wonders why it takes twenty minutes to run...
I also think C is a great language. I also think it does strings well, you just need to be a little creative about it. A pointer here and a data structure there will go along way. If someone can't make C do strings I think they need to reevaluate there creativity. You have to play a game here or there but once you do it and figure it out - its done forever.


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