In my application  (it is a router in the access)  I'm initially  running
dhclient daemon without any  interface specified for dhcp.
Then - on user request - we  add  interfaces  to dhclient.conf on run-time

I have 3 questions  - that I'll appreciate if you can answer

1.       Is it possible to append  interfaces  to an existing dhclient.conf ?
or just to add a new (for example)  dhclient.conf-eth1?  [BTW - where to
locate this file ?]

2.        When the daemon will  start the dhcp-request for this new  interface

3.       Our application need to be informed whenever a new IP-address (dhcp)
is assigned for the interface.  How to do it ? by polling the dhclient.leases
?  is there a notification from dhclient to  our application that we can use

4.       4 - if I start the dhclient daemon without interface specified - I
see that it sends  dhcp-request for all my exiting interfaces ? why ? how to
disable this behavior and to send request for only

Specified interfaces ? (but without specifying  it in the command line- but
via dhclient.conf  ?


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