Hello All,

I hope someone out there has plenty of patience and understanding.  I have
been playing
with open source for a number of years without much success.  The closest I
have come
to success is with Suse 10.2, but it is very unstable.  I have mouse freezes,
disappearances, and at times the screen goes negative on me-white becomes
black etc.
I have downloaded PCBSD and DesktopBSD to where I had the desktop, but
would connect to the internet.  And I could delete less from these OS than I
could from Windows.  The smaller and much more secure OpenBSD seemed to fit
bill.  However, I need help.  Nothing I do seems to work.  I have five books
FreeBSD and "Absolute OpenBSD" by Lucas.  I can do simple stuff like pwd, cd,
mnt CD, etc., but I cannot pkg_add from the 4.3 CD or run executable files. 
I would like to do is add a browser and get on the web.  My computer needs
small; 95% of my time is following the markets.  I do not have three degrees
computer science, in fact I only have one degree and it is in economics.  I
well in the market, but BSD really has me confused.  I know the OpenBSD
does not like to deal with simpletons like myself, but I would appreciate
help to get me started.  I have OpenBSD on my spare HP Pavilion N5250 notebook
an Intel pentium CPU but it is not connected to the internet.

Thank you.

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