Re: C question

2011-11-10 Thread Gerhard Hoffmann
Hi Doug, you should consult a C-book first, you will definitely find it. Its the first one. Look: struct foo *bar[10]; So 'bar' is an array of 10 pointers to 'struct foo'. sizeof(bar) will give you 40 on an 32-bit machine, and 80 on an 64-bit machine (assuming that a pointer on an 32-machine

Re: C++ CGI script

2010-12-13 Thread Gerhard Hoffmann
endl is a so-called manipulator in C++. It outputs '\n' and flushes the output buffer (using the flush method in the stream). So, I would change the order: cout Content-type: text/plain endl endl Hello, World! endl; Don't know if that solves it. Regards On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at