I've been running that setup since 2.9 and it works. The soekris board is a good inexpensive solution, however be advised that running a 24x7 operation on a laptop HD is not going to be terrible reliable. Expect to have trouble every now and then.

Why would anyone use this setup? Well, not everybody just happens to have an otherwise useless computer idle. Also there is a more compelling reason to seek a soekris or soekris-like solution than power consumption: space. I can't have a bulky computer at home (small european flat) and I hate cables. My soekris box is abandoned behind the drawer-chest which covers the phone socket (another reason why I trend to curse when the HD goes wicked, which is probably every 6 months) which means no need for keyboard nor display and no need to mess with old BIOS, etc..

As for the actual capabilities of such a small device, it should be more than ok for personal use. I've ran four virtual sites with https, a mail server, firewall/router, pop server, mysql an bunch of other stuff. The wireless part is handled by a mac airport gadget. Won't be surprisingly fast, but it works reasonably well.

I chose OpenBSD not because of its security, but because of its simplicity, straightforwardness and documentation. I've never been able to use OpenBSD as my workstation (I'm a mac man) but I've replaced all my servers (windows, mac and linux) for OpenBSD.

Drop me a line if you want more advice on the setup.

On 28/08/2006, at 9:44, Neoklis wrote:

Hi all,

I have opened an account with an ISP that provides me with a fixed IP
address and this tempts me to set up a micro server at home for my
website etc. I must confess I am a Linux user but consider OpenBSD
the best choice for a secure server, so will install soon on my desktop
to learn and then install on a suitable device.

I have searched the web extensively and seems that a Soekris device
might be suitable, however I have no experience in this type of device
or running a web server or router so with apologies I post this article
hoping for advice on the following:

Can I use a Soekris board to run the OpenBSD+Apache web server and
put my web site on line from home? Which is most suitable?

I would like (must!) share my ADSL line with at least the web server and
my desktop and possibly a laptop. The ADSL modem has an Ethernet
connection and I wonder, could I use the Soekris board to act as a router,
preferably wireless, as well as running the server?

My thanks in advance!

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