> The ports system may contain a general facility which could build and
> install any program. (I don't know if it does.) If so, I have
> nothing against that. But it certainly contains specific recipes for
> installing specific non-free programs. That's what I object to.


We understand your position (or we'll at least pretend to.)  The simple
fact is that we disagree with you.  That in itself is pretty much enough
to end this thread, is it not? By continuing to thrust your views and
beliefs and ideals onto us, aren't you actually stepping on *our* freedoms
to choose what we feel is best for our software?  Users should have the
_freedom_ to choose what software they want.  We've decided to accomodate
that _freedom_ by simplyifying the task for them via ports.

We resectfully disagree with your position, your ideal, your stance, and
your opinion.  I think that should be enough to end this thread, don't
You aren't going to change our mind.  The OpenBSD project isn't going to
change it's philosophy because you want us to.  The reality is,  we just
don't care about your views or those of the FSF.  Let this die.  I
personally would be just as happy if you never typed or uttered the "BSD"
phrase again.   Be on your way.  enjoy whatever it is you do, and let us
enjoy whatever we do.   That is, after all, the TRUE meaning of FREEDOM.

Jeff Palmer

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