We have a problem getting mail from gmail through spamd. Google's gmail public mail service use a large number of smtp servers. The first time gmail tries to contact our smtp, it is being greylisted on our spamd server. The problem is the next time it tries to repeat the transmission, it appears trying it from different IP and is greylisted again. So the mail may get through after a very long time. I understand this is not problem of spamd. However, is there any solution for accepting mail from gmail? Eg. is there any list of IP addresses they are using?
Thank you.

Lukas Kubin
fn:Lukas Kubin
org:Silesian University in Opava;School of Business Administration in Karvina
adr:;;Univerzitni nam. 1934/3;Karvina;;73340;Czech Republic
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Systems administrator

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