
I am Miss Andre Polanski A Russian working with a CHEMICAL CO. We supply to
the industries here in UK. A chemical used for the purification of rough
diamonds and precious stones. This chemical is in high demand here in UK and I
found it very cheap in Asia precisely Malaysia. it is manufactured in North
Korea but because of the Export duties in North Korea and some product cannot
be exported directly to UK that is why we buy from Agents, I need a middle
person who can transact the business with me, the person will buy from the
agent in Malaysia, and resale to my company at the quoted price.

if you are interested i will introduce you to my company as the agent dealing
on this chemical in Asia, you will buy from the agent and resale to my
company. my company will be sending our representative to Asia to purchase
this chemical and i don't want them to go directly to the agent because of the
price which i have quoted to them for this will cause a conflict of interest
and i stand the risk of losing my job that is the more reason i need a middle
person in this transaction (the person am supposed to use as middle man is not

This business is in this dimension as you will not take my company
representative to the main distributor to avoid direct transaction from the
source, since this is where we will be making our profits, thereafter share
the profits after mapping out the money input costs. I don't know if we can
make this together as this is a long term and continuous business, if this is
acceptable by you get back to me ASAP. This is a personal deal between you and
I, and i hope we make our partnership/friendship/ relationship indelible.
Yours Faithfully
Miss Andre Polanski.

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