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The Innovate 12 Stool
Table Seating Unit
Palmer Hamilton

A unique opportunity to purchase probably the lowest price 12 Stool Table
Seating Unit in the UK.
 Only #495.00 +VAT
with Free Delivery on orders of five or more tables.

Available in 4 laminate colours as standard, Mandarin Red, Persian Blue,
Marigold and Fortuneberry.

With six stool colours, Bright Red, Bright Blue, Yellow, Purple, Kelly
Green, and Black (additional laminate colours available at a small
additional cost)

Innovate Furniture Company provides practical, flexible solutions to
space shortage and multi function rooms for schools.

You can transform the school hall from the gym to the refectory in
minutes with any of our foldaway furniture solutions.

Some of our furniture designs can have three different functions and
available to suit the age of the children. Plus all Innovate Furniture
carries a 15 year warranty.

Some designs are available from stock. However, most are manufactured to
order so you can customise the laminate tops to fit with room decor or
just make them look funky! Call for availability.



Rental or purchase options available.
For information and a free, no obligation, quotation please contact:

Tel:- 0845 602 0269
Fax:- 0845 602 4695

Unit 4B
Ash Park Business centre
Ash Lane,
Little London
Hants RG26 5FL

Tel: 0845 6020269
Fax: 0845 6024695

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