In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Chris Zakelj writes:
>That is, how 
>does one figure out what needs to be changed in order to make OpenNTPD 
>work on Linux?

If you know what is available on Linux and what is used on the code, you can
do this manually, but usually it involves trying to compile it on the new
platform and seeing what breaks.

This works most of the time but can introduce subtle bugs.  For example,
the preferred way of dropping root privileges used to be setuid(2) - I
assume it still is.  But what if setuid() on the new/target platform
doesn't drop root privs permanently, but instead they can be
recovered via a setreuid() or equivalent?  Then you have a potential
security problem.  This is unfortunate, but happens a lot with
certain domains like cryptography... I think Bruce Schneier said
something like "weak crypto looks like strong crypto".  Your
application may work, but be weak/broken in some subtle way.  You
won't know there's a problem until someone brings it to your
attention if you use this method for porting code.

Also, if two functions have the same "signature" (name and type of args and
return value), it will compile, but unless they have the same semantics,
you will have problems.  Standards help here by specifying the signature
and often the implementation semantics.

Some programming languages have something called "interfaces" which embody
some semantics (e.g., "this is a singly-linked-list class") without tying
you down to an implementation.  An interface is like a contractual agreement
between the caller and callee.  Inheritance is like an interface plus a
"default" implementation, and is where most of your code re-use happens.

>Is it generally easier to move a program from $some_bsd 
>to $some_other_os, or from $some_other_os to $some_bsd?

It's usually easier to move to a platform that is well documented and
with which you are familiar (note that the former assists in the latter).

>How would you 
>even begin to port something like OpenSSH to a non-Unix system like 

MS-Windows has, if I understand correctly, a POSIX API.  POSIX was supposed
to be a common API for Unices, and enough momentum was gathered that MS-Win
added support to it in their NT line so they could claim POSIX compatibility.
So if you use things in the POSIX way, and don't have non-POSIX constructs,
it should theoretically be easy.  In reality I heard it's a bit more difficult.
In practice, I think MS-Windows's POSIX emulation merely maps the POSIX stuff
onto the native Win32 calls and so there may be performance issues.  Also IIUC,
you cannot do things like make your application dock in the system tray when
using POSIX API.  I heard it is either Win32 or POSIX, but not both.
However, this is second-hand information and from a while back, as well.

>Does the chosen language (C, C++, Java, etc) make a difference 
>in difficulty?

Absolutely.  In general, the higher level the language, the easier porting is.
It is possible to write very portably in C, but this is a learned skill and
not usually covered in introductory texts.  It requires knowledge above and
beyond just being able to program in C.  It usually requires implementing
an API (of sorts) on top of the language; for example, you use "u_int32_t"
instead of "unsigned int", since the language doesn't specify that "int"s
are supposed to be 32 bits.  Then you need to create that type if it doesn't
exist on the target platform.  C leaves a lot up to be implementation-defined.
It is said that "C combines the power of assembly language with the
convenience, ease of use and portability of assembly language".

IMHO C is a great language for low-level system programming, and the frameworks
erected on it (/usr/include, autoconf), can, when used properly, give you a lot
of portability.  However, there are a lot of "gotchas" in it and for ordinary
user-level "application" programming, it is probably best avoided in
preference to something more modern and higher-level (like python or PERL).
Incidentally, I don't know of many recent attempts to make low-level
languages that are an improvement upon C.  Maybe I just don't pay much
attention to them.

For a good laugh, go read the "C Infrequently Asked Questions":

If you don't "get it", here's a spoiler:
The answers are often correct, but not for the reasons specified.

Anyway, the same thing applies with APIs.  In general, the higher
level the API, the more portable it will be.  In fact, portability is
generally the point of having APIs.

Note that when you work at a high level, you may not have access to certain
facilities that are present at lower layers.  For example, to my understanding
java does not have anything resembling a setuid(2) call.  This is because it
is very hard to make an abstraction (API) that deals with user identities that
is also platform-independent.  Trying to include one in java would probably
have meant that java programs using it would only work on Unix-like
platforms, something that Sun studiously avoided ("write once, run anywhere").
So portability has its costs, not only in efficiency, but also in
potency.  To be portable, you often have to give up some functionality.

IIRC, it used to be the case that the GNU coding standards* had a ton of
information about portability.  It appears that most of that has been removed.
For example, I recall them mentioning that Dynix used a four-byte magic number,
so that portable scripts should begin with "#! /" and not "#!/".


Note that portability comes in several flavors.  OS facilities, processor
word size, endian-ness and "The NUXI problem", etc. etc.

I bet that the GNU autoconf manual has tons of great information about
portability; here is the link (note: no browsable HTML versions):

Another good source is the comp.lang.c FAQ, especially this section:

An amusing portability anecdote is referred to here:

Well, my espresso buzz is wearing out.

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