This is not so much a response to you Steven, as to the entire OpenBSD 

quoth the Steven Harms:
> There are two roads, the high and the low road.  I am not sure why an adult
> (assuming) needs to be educated on this. 

High road? Is that how you would describe Theo's handling of this situation?

> The guy took code and relicensed 
> it.  That sucks.  We know. 

The guy didn't send an email privately first. That sucks. We know.

> But instead of trying to work with him, and 
> educated him (since he does do a ton of work on free software),

Oh no? Read the thread again:

From: Michael Buesch:
>>We'd like to offer you to start cooperating with us

From: Michael Buesch:
>>We would not be opposed to relicensing parts of our code under the BSD
>>license on an explicit case-by-case base.

From: Theo de Raadt:
>>> Do you feel that Marcus should give up his efforts?
From: Joseph Jezak:
>>To say it clearly: No!

From: Joseph Jezak:
>>As one of the reverse engineers, the reason for the openness of
>>writing the specification was to ensure that the Chinese Wall method
>>was maintained.

>>To date, I have not been contacted by any of the bcw programmers
>>regarding clarification of the specification, but I would welcome
>>any questions they might have.

So how were they not trying to work with the OpenBSD folks?

> Michael 
> effectively destroys him.  

Eh? Destroys him? Are you drinking the same kool-aid as Theo? It was Marcus 
that had a hissy and deleted the bloody code. A response, I might add, I see 
a lot from my six-year old. Nope. Michael asked politely to have a quick 
resolution to the issue. It was all Theo with the personal attacks.

Here are some more choice quotes from your fearless project leader, taking the 
high-road, of course:

>> You are a very poor example of humankind.

>>You're no big man.  You're main characteristic is 'bully'.

>>You are an inhuman asshole

>> We don't trust Linux people anymore.

I especially like that last one. So you would write off an entire community 
because of the actions of one guy? A perfectly measured and reasonable 
response, taking the high road of course.

> Thats fair.  Whether code is GPL or BSD, we all 
> are in the same sea, and our boats are pretty damn close.

You are right. Too bad Theo feels the need to throw mines in the water.

Look: I'm not religious about these issues, I just like Unix and free 
software, and I don't give a rats ass at this point who is wrong or right 
about the original issue. To my mind, both acted plenty dumb, but this 
episode has opened my eyes to the fact that I want nothing to do with your 
community. Theo's (and Marcus') response is absolutely shameful and 

Granted, I'm a nobody, and my words don't mean shit, but you _all_ should have 
a good long think about how Theo's reaction to this plays to others in the 
greater OSS community, and beyond. 

Wasn't his biggest beef about Michael's public disclosure and lack of respect? 
Causing OpenBSD embarrassment? Well what the hell do you call Theo's public 
blowout which included both personal attacks and plenty of creative 
misreading that could easily be called propaganda? (Hint: No one said 'thief' 
but Theo) Is that what you call the high road?

Don't bother responding, I'm gone. Have fun with your Broadcom chips....

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

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