I am learning OpenBSD httpd and as per httpd.conf(5) in servers section i can 
use ? for single character match, but i am unable to test it properly. below is 
my config.

OpenBSD Version(generic)
openbsd# uname -r
server "a?.sitea.com" {
listen on * port 80
root "/a.sitea.com"

server "b.siteb.com" {
listen on * port 80
root "b.siteb.com"

server "defaultsite.com" {
listen on * port 80
root "/defaultsite.com"}

at client side i have below /etc/hosts file a.sitea.com b.siteb.com defaultsite.com a1.sitea.com ab.sitea.com192.168.25.11 ab1.sitea.com

as per httpd.conf file i should be able to match exact one character in server 
but when i test this way i am able to visit sitea, below are the test results
:~> curl a.sitea.com
This is site a
:~> curl a1.sitea.com
This is site a
:~> curl ab1.sitea.com -->> this should not be matched? as there are two 
characters after a
This is site a
kindly help.

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