previously on this list Kevin Chadwick contributed:

> > 
> > Just thought I would report my findings.  
> It seems that wasn't repeatable even when unplugging during power off.
> It seems to default to chan 2.
> Having chan 8 in hostname.athn0 oddly sets it to chan 1 and then
> having /sbin/ifconfig athn0 chan 1 in rc.local seems to work.
> i386 current (Jul 28)

It was repeatable 3 times atleast but seems a bit more random than what
I thought.

Once working for a while and hungup on ifconfig down (worked a few
times), when unplugged I got

panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "xfer->pipe->intrxfer == xfer"
failed: file "../../../../dev/usb/ehci.c", line 3391

Stopped at Debugger+0x7

Couldn't enter trace I guess because I was using a usb
keyboard. Network hung at time so tried ifconfig down
(couldn't be killed) and up (usually works)

I guess I should have done some better research beyond AP compat as I
went out and bought this just to get my android updated which oddly
dictates using wifi for system updates and the update via usb windows
app just reported that there were no updates (openssl).

I had started setting up Alpine linux on the wifi chip the system had
originally and found a kernel security update required the very next day
and so struggling to find if the security bugs would be a problem I
thought "fsck that" and setting up OpenBSD as an access point was such
an astoundingly nicer experience, so kudos for that.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

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