> On 2021/01/06 12:03, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Looking at this it's better than I thought it would be, there are some
> problems though -

Hey thanks!

> - The version number comparison using mcuadros/go-version is wrong,
> it doesn't match packages-specs(5).

I took the time to learn some perl yesterday, and holy moly my version
comparison code was *very* wrong. Thanks for taking the time to point that out.
As a result, I went through and mirrored the perl code as closely as I could to
ensure that it matches what OpenBSD does.

> - There doesn't seem to be a way to validate that index.pkgup.gz is done
> against the current available package build. For this I would suggest
> recording the timestamp of the @digital-signature on the quirks package
> in the index, and verifying when the update is run. (grep out of
> "PKG_DBDIR=/var/empty PKG_PATH=$whatever pkg_info -f quirks" will do
> the trick).

Added. I'm parsing the signify block in pure Go (instead of shelling out to
pkg_info) because I want to be able to use the index generation code on any
Go-supported platform. My own mirror (and from what I understand, some of
OpenBSD's own mirrors) aren't necessarily running OpenBSD.

> Between those two it could cause problems because the user may try to
> update a too-small subset of packages. The first problem is obvious.
> The second problem, if a library is bumped after the index is generated,
> the required updates won't show up. For both if people use it and then
> run into problems it's likely the bug reports will end up with openbsd
> rather than pkgup. This makes me not want to add it to packages yet
> (adding it could easily be seen as an endorsement of using it).
> This would be less of a problem if it at least tries to detect outdated
> caches and prints a clear warning.

I hope that my above two fixes rectify this situation in your mind.

> Less important but I'd be happier if it used the signature from pkg_info
> -qS rather than its own version using grep on +CONTENTS, to guard
> against possible future changes to things that pkg_add considers when
> deciding whether to update (also I think it would make sense to include
> the whole string rather than a hash of the signature, there's no need to
> hide that), as long as the full url/filename is used pkg_add will fetch
> the file directly without grabbing the index first. i.e.
> PKG_DBDIR=/var/empty pkg_info -qS 
> http://mirror/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/amd64/moo-1.5p0.tgz

I would like this as well. The problem is that pkg_info -qS is slow. It takes
orders of magnitude more time to run than my current signature generation code.
I can currently build a complete index from a remote mirror in less than ten
minutes. If I switched to using pkg_info, it would take several hours by my
math. In addition, I would like to keep genpkgup able to be run on any OS that
Go supports instead of only OpenBSD machines. I went ahead and
sorta-implemented your suggestion though by matching OpenBSD's current
signature format. No more hashes. I was torn on this before, but I actually
like your approach better because A: it's easier to debug when things go wrong
and B: it's much less CPU-intensive not having to do sha256 stuff. So again,
thank you for the recommendation. If the signature format changes in the
future, I will gladly update my code to match, or revisit the problem if

Again, thank you for taking the time to look at my tool!

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