I've been tearing my hair out trying to get this to work.  I'm running OpenBSD 
5.3 x64 and I'm trying to build isc-bind from ports using the -with-gssapi in 
the Makefile (I want to have the -g option in nsupdate so I can use iscp-dhcp 
to register  dynamic DNS updates against a secure Windows nameserver).
I've specified --with-gssapi=/usr in the Makefile.  Now, OpenBSD seems to put 
the gssapi.h in /usr/include/kerberosV, and krb5.h is there too.  Yet, when I 
make the port it gives the following errors:

checking for GSSAPI library... looking in /usr/lib
checking gssapi.h usability... no
checking gssapi.h presence... no
checking for gssapi.h... no
checking gssapi/gssapi.h usability... no
checking gssapi/gssapi.h presence... no
checking for gssapi/gssapi.h... no
configure: error: gssapi.h not found

I've tried adding symlinks here and there, but nothing works.  I also see that 
the configure script wants to tack /lib onto the end of whatever path I enter 
for --with-gssapi=, even though the .h files aren't located in any such folder.

Am I doing something wrong?  I'd appreciate any insights.



Jeff Powell
Systems Administrator
Valley Services Electronics
(408) 284-7751

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