Hello I am trying to get a dual stack router working. Hardware that I'm
working with includes: Dell Optiplex 9020, Intel I340 NIC, and a
CRS354-48G-4S+2Q+RM switch running SwOS. My main goal for this system is to
have a router that handles mdns across different vlans, is dual stack with
both IPV4 and IPV6(very important) on all internal networks including
vlans, port forwarding ability for consoles, and to possible use dhcpv6
and/or slaac to get addresses on all devices on the different vlans as well
as the ability to limit download and upload traffic on the different
vlans/networks. I also would like it to handle DNS requests and send them
out via DoT or even DoH if possible. I did read the documentation on how to
get a router working and as a result I got ipv4 working perfectly(minus the
QoS on the different networks.) Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong
or point me to the correct documentation so I may RTFM if needed? I have
also provided most if not all the files necessary.

Thank you,
Lewis I.

Attachment: dhcpcd.conf.mod.bak
Description: application/trash

Attachment: dhcpcd.conf.default
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rc.conf.local
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dhcpd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: dhcpcd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rad.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pf.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pf.conf.default
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sysctl.conf.bak
Description: application/trash

Attachment: sysctl.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.vlan6
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.vlan30
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.vlan4
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.vlan10
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.em2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.vlan20
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.em1
Description: Binary data

Attachment: hostname.em0
Description: Binary data

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