I recently got accused by my ISP for disturbing traffic in our residential
network. Obviously my port in the house switch was generating massive
amounts of multicast traffic or atleast replying to incoming traffic.

My firewall was running OpenBSD 4.1 and had the net.inet.ip.mforwarding
set, had tried it sometime because I couldnt watch a video stream on my
workstation and believed it would be necessary, and subsequently left it
The multicast storms in the network have now been resolved and had
obviously also come from users with some specific brand wifi routers.

Now I am wondering, could this setting have caused my firewall to reply
to or relay incoming multicast traffic? I have not noticed any extra
traffic on my internal network, nor have I used and applications that
would make use of multicast. Practically only Linux in use on the
intranet so viruses can be ruled out (have also scanned with ClamAV).
Have gone through logs/settings on the firewall too but can not see any
indication of a compromise.

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