Dear readers,

I have an openBSD just freshly updated to 7.3.
Amazing release, Thank you

I run ttyd on it, a tty over http small demon
and because i like log level i run a custom rc script
nothing fancy here :


and in rc_start

su -fl -c ${daemon_class} -s /bin/sh ${daemon_user} -c "SHELL=/bin/ksh
${daemon} ${daemon_flags} 2>&1 | /usr/local/bin/"

Which i am updating with new pipe tools. (!| or |!) ; is simple , read log put a level on it:

use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros);
openlog("ttyd", "pid", "daemon");

while (my $l = <>) {
  # [2020/10/20 09:58:39:7131] NOTICE:
  $l =~ /\[[^]]+\]\s(\w+):/;
  my $ll = $1 ? $1 : "info";
  if ( $ll eq "ERR" ) {
    $ll = "err";
  } elsif ( $ll eq "WARN" ) {
    $ll = "warning";
  } elsif ( $ll eq "NOTICE") {
    $ll = "info"; # ttyd is way to verbose
  } elsif ( $ll eq "INFO") {
    $ll = "info";
  } elsif ( $ll eq "DEBUG") {
    $ll = "debug";
  } else {
    $ll = "notice"; #notice unknown
  syslog($ll, $l);

When looking at top, something surprise me ( this is the actual question ):

34172 support   -6    0 4860K 8992K sleep/0   piperd    0:00  0.78%
/usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin//

*The priority is -6* (why , how)

First this is not nice ( ha ha ) and I am quite sure
this is completely controlled by the kernel.

# id support
uid=1001(support) gid=1001(support) groups=1001(support), 67(www)

How can a basic user get a -6 PRIO ? This feels very wrong.

I fear syslog in perl is doing something unexpected,

Please help and/or educate on this.

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