Hi all,

I've been googling around for a couple of days now, and there is little
consensus on how to solve the 'sftp & no shell access' problem.  I've
found references to people that are using patched versions of OpenSSH (a
solution I think begs for problems to occur) to facilitate chroot-ing
users at login, restricted shells (to prevent users doing certain things
like changing directories etc), and chrooting a user to their home dir
using a chroot-ed shell.

The most straight forward solution seems to be offered by this link :

However I'm still a little concerned that I don't necessarily have the
"right" solution to this problem.

So here's the problem (I have trawled the misc@ list archives and
recognise people have put forward this problem before, but I haven't
seen a definite solution appear - or at least not one I feel happy
with).  I want to be able to provide sftp access to users, these users
are not anonymous - they will have accounts that I create for them.
However I don't want them to be able to get outside their home dirs (as
with chroot-ed ftp), and I don't want them to have 'shells' (ie. I don't
want them to be able to log in over ssh, or if they must, they must be
chroot-ed to their home dir).

Cheers for any help,

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