
(snapshot 4.8/amd64)

I'm playing with carp in master/backup mode. When a server becomes
inactive (from master to backup or from backup to master) there is a
"dupplicate IP6 address". Is it bad doctor?

By example on the master:
Oct 15 15:34:27 ucop1 /bsd: carp1: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
Oct 15 15:34:27 ucop1 /bsd: carp16: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
Oct 15 15:34:27 ucop1 /bsd: nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address
fe80:0014::0200: 5eff:fe00:0110
Oct 15 15:34:27 ucop1 /bsd: nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address

I use IPv6 only on carp16.
carpdev em0 vhid 16 pass xxxx
inet6 2001:660:7307:1:2::f/80

Thanks, regards.

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