On 7/11/06, Joseph Le-Phan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        I currently have a dhcp server for my local network based on
    3.9-Release. For the most part, my configuration works well for
    a single computer, but I'm having trouble setting it up for
    multiple computers. The file has a commented out line (the
    problematic line,) and dhcpd complains about a missing semicolon
    at the end of that line had it not been commented out.

    At the moment, my dhcpd.conf is as follows:

    subnet xx.xx.xx.xx netmask {
            option domain-name "domain.name";
            option domain-name-servers xx.xx.xx.xx;
                option broadcast-address xx.xx.xx.255;
            option routers xx.xx.xx.xx;
            deny bootp;
            deny unknown-clients;
            range xx.xx.xx.xx xx.xx.xx.xx;

            use-host-decl-names true;

            host box {
                        hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;
                    fixed-address box.domain.name;

            host box2 {
     >>                 #hardware ethernet xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;
                        fixed-address box2.domain.name;

I wonder if it matters if use-host-decl-names needs to be "on" instead
of "true" (reading man dhcpd.conf, shows "on" not "true"). I am not
for sure on that though.

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