
how could I generate sha512 password hashes for Linux on OpenBSD?

Using 'crypto' from Python is no go, as this is OS dependent. So I
tried following via passlib but it does not work, ie. I can't login on EL7.


from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt
import getpass

hash = sha512_crypt.using(salt_size=16).encrypt(getpass.getpass())
# print(hash)
hl = hash.split("$",3)
print("$6$%s" % hl[3])

It does add 'rounds=656000$', so removing this is needed.

On EL7 with hash from above:

  | chpasswd -e

And try ssh as 'userfoo'.

What can I do wrong? What is your way to generate it on OpenBSD?


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