Hello all,

This has been driving me nuts for weeks (ever since upgrading to -current):

I type at a fairly fast rate with very high accuracy and on this laptop it
all goes downhill in a handbasket; makes it very hard to use regularly.

It seems to be aggravated by typing over an SSH connection, but is still
very apparent at a local console or in an xterm/aterm/etc.

Many characters are missed, sometimes end up in the wrong order with an
obvious lag/delay, etc.  I've tried playing with wsconsctl tunables like
keyboard.repeat.del{n,1} without any real results.

If anyone has any idea, I'd be very interested to hear it!

Great work on the 4.1 branch and xenocara!

(Finally get 1280x800 resolution in X.org, but still have a few issues)

In fact, now -current lacks only a native working RTL8185 and azalia driver
and this laptop is perfect; thanks everyone.

-- Jonathan Towne

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