
I am trying to use an OpenBSD 4.3 box as the terminator of a VPN to a
business partner, but we're having some problems.  From time to time,
my counterparty sees packets with an old SPI.  This coincides with me
seeing packets from my internal network missing trying to hit the
default route out instead of being routed through the VPN, which leads
me to suspect that the VPN tunnel gets torn down at that moment.

We suspect problems related to timing.  We are trying to use 86400
seconds lifetime for phase 1 and 3600 seconds for phase 2.  I have
tried to specify this, both using /etc/ipsec.conf and ipsecctl to
drive isakmpd, and /etc/isakmpd/isakmpd.conf directly, skipping

But I still see attribute LIFE_DURATION = 1200 in QUICK_MODE
exchanges and 3600 in ID_PROT exchanges.

What am I missing here?  I'm at my wit's end, all suggestions welcome.
I include the configurations tried, and an exerpt of the isakmpd.pcap
file that shows the problem I'm seeing.  The report generated by
SIGUSR1 shows the same as the tcpdump: lifetimes of 3600 and 1200 secs
for main- and quick-mode, respectively.

If there is any other information I can provide, please tell me.  I
don't know what system my counterparty is using for VPN, but I can
probably find out, if it's relevant.

Also, please Cc me on replies, as I'm not subscribed to the list.

>From ipsec.conf:

ike esp from x.x.x.101/32 to y.y.y.0/24 peer z.z.z.1 \
        main auth hmac-sha1 enc 3des group modp1024 life 86400 \
        quick auth hmac-md5 enc 3des group none life 3600 \
        psk ***********************

>From isakmpd.conf (obviously, isakmpd.conf was not present when trying
to use ipsec.conf and ipsecctl):

Retransmits= 5
Listen-on=              x.x.x.90
Renegotiate-on-HUP=     yes

[Phase 1]
z.z.z.1=                peer-other

[Phase 2]
Connections=            VPN-other

Phase=                  1
Address=                z.z.z.1
Configuration=          other-main-mode
Authentication=         ************************

Phase=                  2
ISAKMP-peer=            peer-other
Configuration=          other-quick-mode
Local-ID=               my-internal-net
Remote-ID=              other-subnet

ID-type=                IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET
Network=                x.x.x.101

ID-type=                IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET
Network=                y.y.y.0

Transforms=             3DES-SHA,3DES-MD5
Life=                   LIFE_86400_SECS

Suites=                 QM-ESP-3DES-MD5-SUITE
Life=                   LIFE_3600_SECS

LIFE_DURATION=  86400,60:86400

LIFE_DURATION=  3600,60:86400

tcpdump of isakmpd.pcap shows (sorry about overlong lines):

23:04:45.330914 x.x.x.90.500 > z.z.z.1.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 99a52e9f544cf112->9aeaa9d500dd1f88 msgid: 6d8579bb len: 152
        payload: HASH len: 24
        payload: SA len: 48 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 36 proposal: 1 proto: IPSEC_ESP spisz: 4 
xforms: 1
SPI: 0x58981dda
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 1 ID: 3DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 1200
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = TUNNEL
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
        payload: NONCE len: 20
        payload: ID len: 16 type: IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET = x.x.x.101/
        payload: ID len: 16 type: IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET = y.y.y.0/ [ttl 
(id 1, len 180)
23:04:45.543109 z.z.z.1.500 > x.x.x.90.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 99a52e9f544cf112->9aeaa9d500dd1f88 msgid: 6d8579bb len: 164
        payload: HASH len: 24
        payload: SA len: 48 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 36 proposal: 1 proto: IPSEC_ESP spisz: 4 
xforms: 1
SPI: 0xeb872e73
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 24
                    transform: 1 ID: 3DES
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 1200
                        attribute ENCAPSULATION_MODE = TUNNEL
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_ALGORITHM = HMAC_MD5
        payload: NONCE len: 24
        payload: ID len: 16 type: IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET = x.x.x.101/
        payload: ID len: 16 type: IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET = y.y.y.0/ [ttl 
(id 1, len 192)
23:04:45.560126 x.x.x.90.500 > z.z.z.1.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 99a52e9f544cf112->9aeaa9d500dd1f88 msgid: 6d8579bb len: 52
        payload: HASH len: 24 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 80)
23:20:58.167788 x.x.x.90.500 > z.z.z.1.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->0000000000000000 msgid: 00000000 len: 212
        payload: SA len: 84 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 72 proposal: 1 proto: ISAKMP spisz: 0 
xforms: 2
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 32
                    transform: 0 ID: ISAKMP
                        attribute ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = 3DES_CBC
                        attribute HASH_ALGORITHM = SHA
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = PRE_SHARED
                        attribute GROUP_DESCRIPTION = MODP_1024
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 3600
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 32
                    transform: 1 ID: ISAKMP
                        attribute ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = 3DES_CBC
                        attribute HASH_ALGORITHM = MD5
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = PRE_SHARED
                        attribute GROUP_DESCRIPTION = MODP_1024
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 3600
        payload: VENDOR len: 20 (supports OpenBSD-4.0)
        payload: VENDOR len: 20 (supports v2 NAT-T, 
        payload: VENDOR len: 20 (supports v3 NAT-T, 
        payload: VENDOR len: 20 (supports NAT-T, RFC 3947)
        payload: VENDOR len: 20 (supports DPD v1.0) [ttl 0] (id 1, len 240)
23:20:58.221575 z.z.z.1.500 > x.x.x.90.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->cf0a5997806dde8f msgid: 00000000 len: 80
        payload: SA len: 52 DOI: 1(IPSEC) situation: IDENTITY_ONLY
            payload: PROPOSAL len: 40 proposal: 1 proto: ISAKMP spisz: 0 
xforms: 1
                payload: TRANSFORM len: 32
                    transform: 1 ID: ISAKMP
                        attribute ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = 3DES_CBC
                        attribute HASH_ALGORITHM = SHA
                        attribute AUTHENTICATION_METHOD = PRE_SHARED
                        attribute GROUP_DESCRIPTION = MODP_1024
                        attribute LIFE_TYPE = SECONDS
                        attribute LIFE_DURATION = 3600 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 108)
23:20:58.258323 x.x.x.90.500 > z.z.z.1.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->cf0a5997806dde8f msgid: 00000000 len: 180
        payload: KEY_EXCH len: 132
        payload: NONCE len: 20 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 208)
23:20:58.308611 z.z.z.1.500 > x.x.x.90.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->cf0a5997806dde8f msgid: 00000000 len: 184
        payload: KEY_EXCH len: 132
        payload: NONCE len: 24 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 212)
23:20:58.358365 x.x.x.90.500 > z.z.z.1.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->cf0a5997806dde8f msgid: 00000000 len: 64
        payload: ID len: 12 type: IPV4_ADDR = x.x.x.90
        payload: HASH len: 24 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 92)
23:20:58.415426 z.z.z.1.500 > x.x.x.90.500: [udp sum ok] isakmp v1.0 exchange
        cookie: 8738f168feca5c5c->cf0a5997806dde8f msgid: 00000000 len: 68
        payload: ID len: 12 type: IPV4_ADDR = z.z.z.1
        payload: HASH len: 24 [ttl 0] (id 1, len 96)

Slxv uten dop.

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