I just tried building the base in 6.2-stable (building the kernel worked fine), 
following the instructions in https://man.openbsd.org/release. Unfortunately, 
the build process fails when trying to build libcurses. The error I get is

    ./make_keys keys.list > init_keytry.h
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    *** Error 139 in lib/libcurses (Makefile:123 'init_keytry.h')
    *** Error 1 in lib (<bsd.subdir.mk>:48 'all')
    *** Error 1 in . (Makefile:90 'do-build')
    *** Error 1 in /usr/src (Makefile:74 'build')

Manually running `cd /usr/obj/lib/libcurses && ./make_keys key.list` also 
produces a Segmentation fault. Any ideas what's going on here?


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