I utilize the tray-app volume applet in my tint2 system tray and mainly
use mpd as an audio source.  I was wondering if it is possible to
configure mpd.conf so that the displayed audio volume matches the
tray-app volume.  I have been able to do this in FreeBSD by specifying
the mixer_control option
#audio_output {
#       type            "oss"
#       name            "My OSS Device"
##      device          "/dev/dsp"      # optional
##      mixer_type      "hardware"      # optional
##      mixer_device    "/dev/mixer"    # optional
##      mixer_control   "PCM"           # optional

Is it possible to specify a mixer_control in OpenBSD
libao and if so what are the available devices/syntax?
## Default libao output:
audio_output {
       type                    "ao"
       name                    "Libao Audio Device"
       mixer_type              "software"

tray-app volume does not appear to be configurable.


J. Scott Heppler

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