Ok.  I figured out how to resolve the problem, but through a work-around.

One main difference was I had to use qemu-img instead of dd to create the
disk images.  The other was during the guest system install to make
logical partitions *not* primary partitions.

  qemu-img create -f qcow d4.debian.ext2.qcow 400M
  qemu-img create -f qcow d4.debian.swap.qcow 200M

Then I fire up a vncserver and connect.
Inside the vnc client I could then boot the install CD and go through the

  qemu -k fi -cdrom debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso -boot d \
         -hda debian2.ext2.dmg    -hdb debian.swap.dmg

Once the installation was done, I can then boot the new system
in d4.debian.ext2.qcow :

        qemu -k en-us -boot c \
                -hda d4.debian.ext2.qcow   \
                -hdb d4.debian.swap.qcow   \
                -cdrom debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso

I'm not quite sure how to ssh to the guest system, but since I seem to
be able to initiate outbound connections, it should be within reach to
solve that, too.

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