With the release of OpenBSD 4.0 there will be two user visible changes
regarding stable package maintenance.

1) The scope of fixes applicable to stable is widened to include
critical bugfixes. Our focus will be on fixing packages, not ports. This
means there will be more updates to stable in the hope that this way,
there will be even less reasons to mix stable and current

2) As an experiment we will provide stable packages for 4.0/amd64. Fabio
Cazzin of NS3, Venice has kindly granted us access to a stable build
machine. As this machine is only accessible remotely and is used for all
stable builds, we will have to see whether or not this works out. If
anyone is interested in donating an i386 and/or amd64 machine for stable
builds to a developer in germany, please contact me off-list.


"It's all part of my Can't-Do approach to life." Wally

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