Is there a known problem with the termios VTIME parameter? I'm using an FTDI serial converter through its /dev/cuaU0 device, and I can open it and configure it with termios just fine, with the following parameters:

    c_cflag = (CREAD | CS8 | CLOCAL)
    c_lflag = 0
c_cc[VTIME] = 5
 c_cc[VMIN] = 0
   c_ispeed = 7812
   c_ospeed = 7812

If the remote serial device is turned on, communication is fine and read() works as expected. However, if the remote device is turned off, the call to read() never times out as it should. It blocks indefinitely.

This is apparently an OpenBSD-specific problem. Running on FreeBSD, the same code works correctly (with the proper VTIME timeout behavior.)
Any ideas about what could be wrong?


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