OpenBSD 6.3, amd64

I am seeing this record being logged by pf.  The rule specified in the
record does not have logging enabled.  I must be missing something
simple as to why it is logging, but I can't see it.

20180623T112712.952EDT sentry pf: rule 12/(match) pass in on em0:
fe80::1a8b:9dff:fed4:7822 > ff02::1: HBH icmp6: multicast listener query
v2 [|icmp6] [class 0xe0] [hlim 1]

# pfctl -s rules -R 12
pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp all keep state (max 16,
adaptive.start 6, adaptive.end 12)

Actual pf.conf text for the rule:

pass in quick inet6 proto icmp6 from any to any keep state (max 16)

Why is it logging?


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