Hello, After the last upgrade to (OpenSMTPD 5.4.2p1) I get my logs fed up with the following message:
"Aug 28 12:45:30 piseli smtpd[830]: warn: queue: no return path!” Does anyone know where/what to start looking for?! I’m running OSMTPD on FreeBSD-10. Didn’t change paths or anything I can think of. Another thing that bothers me, is the fact that the queue gets filled up with messages. 99% of them are spam messages. Is there any standard policy on how to deal them? I remove them manually ~ once a week, but I wonder what other people do. My queue for example now is filled up with: root@piseli:/var # smtpctl show queue 0395e76fd2fb826d|local|mta|auth|@|tv8ogbsnbfcry...@procono.es|tv8ogbsnbfcry...@procono.es|1409146004|1409491604|0|16|pending|11832|Network error on destination MXs 297055330bbb0be5|local|mta|auth|@|scan.262...@client-53-129.speedy-net.bg|scan.262...@client-53-129.speedy-net.bg|1409126381|1409471981|0|17|pending|5409|Network error on destination MXs 79821d4f8f20d830|local|mta|auth|@|scan...@t1.cavtel.net|scan...@t1.cavtel.net|1409167354|1409512954|0|14|pending|9182|Network error on destination MXs 9ff02ce1bf148c54|local|mta|auth|@|m...@business.telecomitalia.it|m...@business.telecomitalia.it|1409127764|1409473364|0|17|pending|6792|421 4.3.2 System not accepting network messages aef75e6b16517d3c|local|mta|auth|@|f...@comcastbusiness.net|f...@comcastbusiness.net|1409210715|1409556315|0|9|pending|6543|Network error on destination MXs e6d1eee1df437771|local|mta|auth|@|l4zbf3o574e5owx2...@dpc6744192236.direcpc.com|l4zbf3o574e5owx2...@dpc6744192236.direcpc.com|1409167225|1409512825|0|14|pending|9053|Network error on destination MXs Thanks Panagiotis (atmosx) Atmatzidis email: a...@convalesco.org URL: http://www.convalesco.org GnuPG ID: 0x1A7BFEC5 gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 1A7BFEC5 "As you set out for Ithaca, hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of discovery [...]" - C. P. Cavafy
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