You will have to pick through information, but most recent military manuals
on dealing with civilians are included-fyi

*"Resistance to Tyrants is Obedience to God" (Revolutionary War Battle Flag)

  ----- Forwarded Message -----
*From:* <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, January 1, 2013 11:27 PM
*Subject:* [New post] Sandy Hook Links/Docs 12/31/2012
   Drake posted: " In addition to today's list of links, articles, videos,
news and info I have attached a document in doc format and pdf for those
who prefer it, containing all the information I have compiled on the SANDY
HOOK false flag event. As always I supply, you d"
      New post on
*         <>  Sandy Hook
Drake <>
 In addition to today's list of links, articles, videos, news and info I
have attached a document in doc format and pdf for those who prefer it,
containing all the information I have compiled on the SANDY HOOK false flag
event. As always I supply, you decide.  I have included other documents
relevant to other information in the links doc and important for all to
have and read when time permits.
One truism which cannot be denied, forewarned is forearmed always. What you
choose to do with this information is up to you. If you don't want to know,
don't want to read, don't want to think about what is happening...
simple... delete it, but don't ask me to pick and choose what gets sent to
you. I do not have the time to keep separate lists. Either you are on my
list or you are not, your choice.

 Have a wonderful Holiday and if you are going out tonight, make sure you
have a designated driver!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  --** Teri
 Ex-Feds and Wall Street Execs Are Going Into
    *Drake <>* | January 1,
2013 at 9:56 pm | Categories:
     Unsubscribe or change your email settings at Manage

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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." ~Goethe

The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
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