

January 13, 2014 

A Cry for Justice

Is taking bread from the mouths of those who labor to feed the appetites of
able-bodied adults who decline to work your idea of economic justice? 

Or of injustice? 

A recent Cato Institute study
by Michael Tanner and Charles Hughes found that welfare benefits exceed the
minimum wage for workers in 35 states. In 15 states, welfare benefits top
$31,200 annually - equivalent to the $15 an hour minimum wage that SEIU and
other unions are promoting for fast-food workers.

In short, at the lowest rungs of the economy, one can make more money not

The Washington Post's Charles Lane advances another aspect of economic
justice in a recent column
Av-7-FDu0_nYhjrVnAnJPL96Aak=>  suggesting that while some wealth is merited,
the bulk of the wealth swirling about in the nation's capital is not earned,
but wrested from a system where insider politics meets crony capitalism. 

And Lane notes that "too many of our public institutions - from Congress to
big-city school systems - have been captured by rent-seeking interest
groups," warning broadly that, "Various societies have grown free and
prosperous by many different methods; dividing up existing wealth according
to political connections is not one of them." 

Yesterday at Townhall
OXqIbPM=> , I embraced the idea of economic justice, calling for a healthy
dose of it, namely: 

1.      Stop making welfare pay better than work;
2.      End government subsidies to cronies, farmers, everyone;
3.      Let people create new businesses by ending licensing laws and
regulations that serve only to block needed competition.

That's economic justice. 

Not futzing about trying to make us "equal," but making the basic rules

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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On January 13, 1924, philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend was born. 


12-20.16.09.png> The progress of science, of good science, depends on novel
ideas and on intellectual freedom: science has very often been advanced by
outsiders (remember that Bohr and Einstein regarded themselves as
-Paul Feyerabend 


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Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators Foundation, which
sponsors both Common Sense
Sr_m6Luh>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
FoaQi7EeZeEJ12hYh_rw07Sw0X1bhA==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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Great Communicators Foundation | 2050 Old Bridge Road | Suite 103 |
Woodbridge | VA | 22192 


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