This is what I have been saying for a long time.




December 12, 2013 

Copper Tubes in Alabama


You've gotta be somewhere, so you might as well choose where that somewhere
is in a non-random fashion. 

That seems to be the rule. 

One consequences of this is that we now have local government officials and
functionaries jet-setting the world promoting their towns, counties, cities
. . . their hills and their dales.

A fascinating report from The Economist tells how the mayor of Thomasville,
Alabama, came to sit in a north China pipe-factory canteen talking up his
town. "Sheldon Day was there to drum up investment," the report explains.
"Two years ago he convinced another Chinese company, which makes copper
tubes, to build its first American factory in the county next door. The
plant will create around 300 jobs when it opens next year. Mr Day wants

It's a charming tale
tLSXaQ==> , even if "the battle for Chinese attention" be "fierce." And

The mayor of Farmer City, Illinois, cancelled his plans after residents
expressed anger at the idea of using city money to woo foreign businesses.
Chad Auer, a mayor in a right-wing bit of Colorado, had to take to YouTube
to explain that when Richard Nixon went to China in 1972, it turned out to
be worth his while.

Nixonian prudence aside, there's an even darker aspect to this practice:
Bending over backwards to entice businesses to an area . . . at the expense
of existing businesses, residents, and any concept of equality before the

I refer, of course, to "tax incentives," loopholes, tax credits, regulatory
workarounds, and the like. 

Fine, you pillars of society, going off promoting your town — so long as no
special deals are made. 

But make special enticements, and you morph from "seller" of community to

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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On December 12, 1939, Finnish forces defeated those of the Soviet Union in
the first major victory of what became known as the Winter War, the Battle
of Tolvajärvi. 
December 12th birthdays include: 
* Erasmus Darwin (1731) – English physician, slave trade abolitionist,
inventor and poet 
* John Jay (1745) — First Chief Justice of the United States 
* William Lloyd Garrison (1805) — American abolitionist, editor of The


11-21.32.22.png> The only way to be loved is to be and to appear lovely; to
possess and display kindness, benevolence, tenderness; to be free from
selfishness and to be alive to the welfare of others. 
—John Jay 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
<>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
f0DakIKT>  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
G1Q-Cb9Msyu_5ul_9-IpYSq-u38K4A==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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Woodbridge | VA | 22192 


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