

November 19, 2013 

Talk of the State


All it takes for the triumph of overgrown government is for good men to shut

Eric O'Keefe is talking - despite a gag order. 

He spoke to the
K1-Zr1w=> Wall Street Journal, which relates that in recent weeks a special
prosecutor has 

hit dozens of conservative groups with subpoenas demanding documents related
to the 2011 and 2012 campaigns to recall Governor Walker and state
legislative leaders. 
Copies of two subpoenas we've seen demand "all memoranda, email . . .
correspondence, and communications" both internally and between the subpoena
target and some 29 conservative groups, including Wisconsin and national
nonprofits, political vendors and party committees.

Eric O'Keefe (I could call him "Mr. O'Keefe," but that would be odd, since
he's been a trusted friend and colleague for decades) heads Wisconsin Club
for Growth, one of the targeted groups. He's risking a lot by defying the
gag order.  <http://thisiscommonsense.com/images/EricOKeefe.jpg> 

But he believes the public has a right to know. 

And, considering that gag orders of this type, especially as applied to what
looks like a crazed, partisan political witch hunt, are as un-American as
you can get. 

In case you were not aware, Eric authored an important book
yo9K5uEFbzcxM_oO92KDVZexUeXnropdT_rw36L2i7GpB6cinyuNdtIQ1_pGZQ==> Who Rules
America: The People versus the Political Class, after having served as the
master strategist behind the nation's most successful co-ordinated
multi-state initiative campaign, for congressional term limits, in the early

Eric's now in the hot seat. Under the state's "John Doe law" folks have been
imprisoned - yes, political prisoners in the United States. And, according
to the Wisconsin Reporter
0uUOlCHcBVGSCTgAc9Uq5M_raaIZSBrykHxYCV2tyvGtOyh83f4=> , most of those under
investigation have remained "tighter than a drum," not daring to speak out. 

It's always easiest for rulers when their opponents (and victims) are forced
to remain silent. 

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.

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On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg
Address at the ceremonial dedication of the military cemetery in Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania, appropriating an old phraseology for republican government -
"of the people, by the people, for the people" - and giving it its most
memorable usage. 
On the same date in 1955, National Review published its first issue. 


 Theordore Parker
17-16.52.51.png> Democracy is direct self-government, over all the people,
for all the people, by all the people. 
- Theodore Parker 


Paul Jacob is President of the Liberty Initiative Fund
<http://libertyifund.org/>  as well as a board member of Great Communicators
Foundation, which sponsors both Common Sense
tFQVFm4->  and Paul's weekly Townhall Column
M_FwRR3HTnBDp4YCEiF6UlkXMIJZkg==> . The opinions expressed in Common Sense
and at Townhall are Paul Jacob's and do not necessarily reflect the opinions
of Liberty Initiative Fund or the Great Communicators Foundation.

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Woodbridge | VA | 22192 


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