----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Herman Cain <donotre...@infoemailsforu.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 9:50 AM
Subject: A Victory Over Unions

Dear Conservatives,

Gov. Scott Walker is in the fight of his life right now in Wisconsin because he 
dared to stand up to the big labor unions and challenge the status quo. Now 
they are doing everything they can to see that he is recalled - in fact, they 
are already on television, running ads smearing Gov. Walker and his record. 
They are only just getting started.

This might be the most important race in America this year. If the Unions win 
and take down this good man, it will be a crushing blow to the cause of reform. 
What's more, it will be a generation before any Governor dares to take on these 
labor unions again.

Please check out the email below from Governor Walker describing the battle in 
which he is engaged. He needs our help.

For America,

Herman Cain 
 Dear Conservative,

As the duly elected Governor of Wisconsin I have been steadfast in my beliefs 
that limited government and fiscal responsibility should be the cornerstone of 
putting my state back on the road to prosperity.

I am facing a recall by the big-government public employee unions and their 
minions who are threatened by the voters actually being in charge of where 
their tax dollars are being spent.

In November of 2010, the majority of Wisconsin voters resoundingly said 
enough-is-enough to the status quo and put me in charge of a state that had 
been beholden to big government special interests with a tax-and-spend 
mentality that created a $3.6 billion deficit.

In less than a year we were able to eliminate this deficit and provide the 
freedom of choice for public employees. Our reforms are allowing them to decide 
if they would like to spend more than a thousand dollars a year in union dues 
or keep their money. We put a stop to the unions’ railroading of the taxpayers' 
hard-earned dollars.

What we need now is your help in telling the unions we do not want another 
tax-and-spend liberal at the reins of power in Wisconsin. You can do this by 
contributing $20, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford by clicking here.
I have been a man of my word to the voters of this state and have always led by 
putting the interests of Wisconsin taxpayers first. 

Since taking office, I have eliminated a bureaucratic and bloated budget mess 
left by the previous administration without raising taxes or laying off state 
workers. Thousands of Wisconsinites are back on the job, and statewide property 
taxes have decreased for the first time in years. Stand with me today with a 
generous contribution of $20, $50, $100, or whatever you can afford.

The people of Wisconsin deserve to see the bold and courageous choices I have 
made come to fruition. It is time to stop these out-of-state special interests 
in their tracks and let them know that our conservative values will not be 
taken lightly.

With your help, I will be the first Governor of Wisconsin elected twice in my 
first term.

Thank you for your support,

Scott Walker

P.S. Don't let the liberal elite and the Big Government Union Bosses control 
this election. Will you help me spread my message of positive reform with a 
generous contribution today of $20, $50, $100? Thank you!

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