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Party boss and Washington insider John Cornyn this week had two words for Todd 
Akin, and Missouri: "We're done."

Rather than swallowing their pride and admitting they were wrong to not help 
Todd Akin, Party Bosses are doubling down.

Mike Huckabee, on the other hand, had this to say about the Washington Party 
"They will turn their backs on Akin out of their arrogant pride because just as 
they were wrong about Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, they are being shown they are 
wrong on Akin? We need to rally every pro-life, pro-family, faith-based voter 
in America and tell them that the party obviously doesn't need them, but Akin 
does. If the party doesn't want us, then it's good to get that cleared up. I'll 
direct my time, money, and efforts toward candidates who will take a stand, and 
when they get elected, they won't be obligated to party bosses, but to God and 
their conscience."

For too long, DC Party Bosses have wanted to have their cake and eat it too. 
They appeal to pro-life conservatives for their money. Then when a defender of 
life needs their help, they turn their backs – and the Party Bosses send YOUR 
money to pro-life "Republicans" in places like Massachusetts and Maine.

This is YOUR chance to tell the Party Bosses that we want candidates who will 
defend life – that we want Todd Akin!

We need all hands on deck. Todd needs you now, and like Governor Huckabee said 
– the Washington insiders and Party Bosses were wrong about Rubio, wrong about 
Rand Paul, and they're just as wrong about Todd Akin.

Will you stand with Todd Akin? Or will you let the Washington Party Bosses and 
liberal Senator Claire McCaskill win?


Perry Akin
Campaign Manager
Paid for by Todd Akin for Senate    

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