I have a better idea STOP the implementation of Common Core.  Is there NO
backbone in the legislature.?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Dittrich <johndittr...@att.net>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:55 PM
Subject: [Springfield912ers] Common Core and SB 210 - Immediate Action
To: springfield912ers-annou...@meetup.com

I attended the DESE meeting last week, and I thank those who also attended.
 There were many unanswered questions, and the answers we eventually get
about common core will be disseminated in the manner and timeliness of
DESE.  This is not acceptable, we need a forum to ask questions and get
answers before Millions of our tax dollars are spent on an unproven and
untested new approach to education.  We need to protect our children and
our future.

We can't stand by and allow Common Core to continue without accountability.
 We need to know more facts.  That is why I am asking you to take action
before Tuesday morning to ask your Senator to support SB 210.  A copy of SB
210 is copied below for your convenience.  Many people worked very hard to
get this far, now we are asking for you to take 10 minutes to help.  Please
re-post this information and share it with everyone you know:

Make Missouri's Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Accountable
to Missouri Residents for Common Core

This Monday morning --- call and e-mail your senator, as well as Senator
John Lamping, Senator Tom Dempsey, and Senator Ron Richard and tell them
you support SB 210 (text below) .

It's easy!

To find your senator's contact information, just enter your zip code in the
appropriate box on this senate webpage


IMPORTANT:* Thank Senator Lamping for sponsoring the bill, and ask Senators
Dempsey and Richard to ensure that SB 210 gets a full opportunity to be
debated on the floor of the Missouri Senate:

Senator John Lamping, Sponsor of SB 210
State Capitol Room 426
(573) 751-2514

Senator Tom Dempsey, President Pro Tem
State Capitol Room 326
(573) 751-1141

Senator Ron Richard, Majority Floor Leader
(573) 751-2173

To amend chapter 161, RSMo, by adding thereto one new
section relating to the common core state standards
initiative, with an emergency clause.
Section A. Chapter 161, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto
one new section, to be known as section 161.855, to read as
1. The department of elementary and secondary
education shall conduct at least one public hearing in each
congressional district in Missouri prior to the full
implementation of the common core state standards. The public
hearings shall provide an opportunity for members of the general
public to publicly testify regarding the common core state
standards. The commissioner of education and at least one member
of the state board of education shall attend each public hearing.
For each public hearing, the department shall provide at least
two weeks' notice to school districts and parents of public
school students located within the congressional district in
which the hearing shall be held.
2. At least two weeks prior to the first of the public
hearings, the department of elementary and secondary education
shall perform and make publicly available a fiscal analysis of
the projected cost to the state and school districts of the
implementation of the common core state standards. The analysis
shall include the costs of material, equipment, technology, and
training, as well as any savings that may be realized. The
department shall provide the fiscal analysis to the president pro
tempore of the senate, the speaker of the house of
representatives, and to the joint committee on education. The
department shall publish the fiscal analysis on its internet
3. At least two weeks prior to the first of the public
hearings, the department of elementary and secondary education
shall prepare a report that identifies:
(1) Any data that shall be collected as a result of the
implementation of the common core state standards; and
(2) Any governmental entity, quasi-governmental entity, or
consortium that collects data or receives data as a result of the
implementation of the common core state standards.
4. The department of elementary and secondary education
shall submit the report required under subsection 3 of this
section to the president pro tempore of the senate, the speaker
of the house of representatives, and to the joint committee on
education. The department shall publish the report on its
internet website. The department shall notify parents of public
school students of the data collection procedures described in
subsection 3 of this section.
5. The department of elementary and secondary education
shall conduct all of the public hearings by December 31, 2013.
Section B. Because of the importance of providing information to
the public about the common core state standards,
section A of this act is deemed necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public health, welfare, peace and safety, and
is hereby declared to be an emergency act within the meaning of
the constitution, and section A of this act shall be in full
force and effect upon its passage and approval.

This message was sent by John Dittrich (johndittr...@att.net) from Springfield
912ers <http://www.meetup.com/Springfield-Missouri-912ers/>.
To learn more about John Dittrich, visit his/her member
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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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free." ~Goethe



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~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

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