we indoctrinate them so young these days.....I'm not aware of any animal
that has died because of Styrofoam.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Change.org <m...@change.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Jamba Juice
To: tma...@gmail.com

        [image: Change.org]

Tanner -- There's a new petition taking off on Change.org, and we think you
might be interested in signing it:
     * Jamba Juice: Find a styrofoam alternative for the environment and
Sign Mia's Petition

* Jamba Juice: Stop using styrofoam cups that kill

*Started by: Mia, Carlsbad, California*

I'm 10 years old and when I was at Jamba Juice a couple of weeks ago, I
ordered a smoothie and they gave it to me in a styrofoam cup! The person
behind me ordered yogurt and they gave her yogurt in a styrofoam container,
too. That's just ridiculous. It bothered me so much, my mom encouraged me
to start a petition.

*Styrofoam takes so long to break down into the Earth.* In the ocean,
several animals think that this product is food, so when they go to eat it,
the styrofoam can kill them!

*Also, did you know 57 chemical by-products are released during the
creation of styrofoam?* That is a lot of chemicals to safely dispose.

Jamba Juice does not use styrofoam cups in some cities where the city
doesn't allow it, like Seattle. If they do that there, they can do it

Will you ask Jamba Juice to stop using styrofoam in all their stores?

*Click here to sign Mia's petition, "Jamba Juice: Stop using styrofoam cups
that kill 

*You can also check out other popular petitions on Change.org by clicking

If you have concerns or feedback, click here to flag this

This is an automated email. The petition text above was written by Mia,
Carlsbad, California, not by Change.org staff. Change.org is not
responsible for the content.

This email was sent by Change.org to tma...@gmail.com   |   Start a
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