---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ron Calzone <r...@mofirst.org>
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 12:32 AM
Subject: MO Supreme Court Chief Justice Blows Oath of Office
To: t.ma...@gmail.com

  [image: To view images, click Enable Remote Content or Display Images
(Please do so before forwarding.)]  *Rally Day: Wednesday, January 16, 2013
 Jefferson City, MO -- 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.*

*That all political power is vested in and derived from the people;
that all government of right originates from the people,
is founded upon their will only,
and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.
(Art. I Sec. 1, Missouri Constitution)*
    *Missouri's state reps sworn in today.
Took oath to "support and defend the government "!*


Article III, Section 15 of the Missouri Constitution requires each state
senator and representative to take the following oath of office:

*"I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution of
the United States and of the state of Missouri, and faithfully perform the
duties of my office, and that I will not knowingly receive, directly or
indirectly, any money or other valuable thing for the performance or
nonperformance of any act or duty pertaining to my office, other than the
compensation allowed by law."*

The Constitution is the People's compact, or agreement, stipulating their
duties to one another and the *limits on the government* the people created
to execute those duties. Government's purpose is to serve the people.  It's
"principal office" is to protect our liberty.  (Art. I Sec. 2)

Today, Wednesday, January 9th, the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme
Court officiated the swearing in of the entire House of Representative.
The legally blind judge's version of the oath varied from the
Constitutionally stipulated version, though...

*Rather than swearing to support and defend the Constitution, the judge had
the entire body state that they would support and defend the GOVERNMENT!*

Tom, that's a huge mistake to make and a terribly bad message to send to
men and women whose primary task is to protect our liberty, not government.

One of the things we will be doing at the Consent of the Governed Rally on
Jan. 16th is present a formal request to the leaders of the House and
Senate, asking them to instruct the chairman of each committee to have
their committees evaluate the constitutionality of each bill.

In addition to the framed copy of the Constitution, we will present each
legislator with a framable copy of their oath of office.

Please join us -- we must remind each legislator that they are there at the
consent of the governed!

For liberty,

 ps  Each rep also signed a copy of the correct oath of office, so they are
legally sworn in.

 *What: *
 Consent of the Governed Rally
Featured speaker: Prof. Thomas Woods
Also, 3 minutes reports from advocates of several important issues from
Right to Work to Sound Money to Property Rights, and more...

 *When: *
 Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Please arrive as early as 9:30 for help locating your Senator and
Representative's new office.
Rally begins at 10:30 a.m.  -- *Meet Prof. Thomas Woods!*

*Where: *
First Floor Rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol building
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City MO 65101

 *Your Mission:*
- Network with others interested in constitutional governance.
 - Meet your legislators and *let them know* that "We're from the People
and we're here to help!"
 - Learn about some of the hot issues and solutions for the next
legislative session.

 Please plan on helping present framed parchment of the Missouri
Constitution to each new state senator and representative and explain to
them that "We're From the People and We're Here to Help!"

 If you can, please wear something RED to the rally.

 Thank you and see you there,

 - The Many Sponsors of the Consent of the Governed Rally

         *Keynote Speaker:* Tom Woods      *Three Minute Reports From:*
*Employment Freedom:* Phil Todd      *Obamacare:* James Coyne      *Spiritual
Revival:* Bev Ehlen      *Education:* Lisa Payne-Nager      *Sound Money:* Doug
Tjaden      *Agenda 21:* Bob Parker      (More coming)           *Other
Events to Watch For*

Jan. 9 -- Swearing in of newly elected legislators & opening of 2013 session

Jan. 9 --  Americans for Prosperity -- Hearing Room 1 @ 12:00
Learn about AFP's legislative agenda for 2013

Jan. 19 -- Forum on Missouri Economic Prosperity @ 1:00 to 4:00
Midwest Music Conservatory
15977 CLAYTON RD., BALLWIN, MO 63011
Tom Woods will be back in Missouri. Learn about the Sound Money Bill
     --    *Sponsors (partial list)*  Missouri Leadership Project Missouri
First  Concerned Women of America Missouri Tenth    Ozarks Property Rights
Congress Branson Tea Party Coalition  Macon County Patriots Crawford Co.
Campaign for Liberty  Sullivan 9/12 Group Capital Tea Party  Missouri
Precinct Project Lebanon Tea Party  Mid Missouri Tea Party Patriots          If
your group would like to co-sponsor this rally,
please email r...@mofirst.org for more information.
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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." ~Goethe



The power to tax involves the power to destroy.
~Justice John Marshall~

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in you!
-Pericles (430 B.C.)

A legislative act contrary to the Constitution is not law.
~Justice John Marshall~

This is a Free Speech forum. The owner of this list assumes no responsibility 
for the intellectual or emotional maturity of its members.  If you do not like 
what is being said here, filter it to trash, ignore it or leave.  If you leave, 
learn how to do this for yourself.  If you do not, you will be here forever.

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