*New Federal Golf Regulations*

Since these new golf rules will be in effect in August of 2011, please share
with fellow golfers.

[image: cid:7642771BD77C4374B7E5CC60DB7CB632@gjahelkaPC]

President BHO has recently appointed a Golf Czar and major rule changes in
the game of golf will become effective in July 2011.  This is only a preview
as the complete rule book (expect 2000 pages) is being rewritten as we
speak. Here are a few of the changes.
Golfers with handicaps:
    - below 10 will have their green fees increased by 35%.
    - between 11 and 18 will see no increase in green fees.
    - above 18 will get a $20 check each time they play.
The term "gimmie" will be changed to "entitlement" and will be used as
    - handicaps  below 10, no entitlements.
    - handicaps from 11 to 17, entitlements for putter length putts.
    - handicaps above 18, if your ball is on green, no need to putt, just
pick it up.

These entitlements are intended to bring about fairness and, most
importantly, equality in scoring. In addition, a Player will be limited to a
maximum of one birdie or six pars in any given 18-hole round. Any excess
must be given to those fellow players who have not yet scored a birdie or
par. Only after all players have received a birdie or par from the player
actually making the birdie or par, can that player begin to count his pars
and birdies again. The current USGA handicap system will be used for the
above purposes, but the term "net score" will be available only for scoring
those players with handicaps of 18 and above.

This is intended to "re-distribute" the success of winning by making sure
that in every competition, the above 18 handicap players will post only "net
score" against every other player's gross score These new Rules are intended
to CHANGE the game of golf.

Golf must be about Fairness.   It should have nothing to do with ability,
hard work, practice, and responsibility. This is the "Right thing to do."

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~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~

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free." ~Goethe



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~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

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~Justice John Marshall~

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