Jeff Jacoby  
Occupiers, Tea Partiers, and the Tenth Commandment
by Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe
November 2, 2011
Protesters clash with police at the 'Occupy Denver' site on October 29. 
AT THE OCCUPY PHOENIX demonstrations, fliers encourage protesters to violently 
resist police officers, asserting that "you will usually have only two options: 
submit, or kill the cop." At Zuccotti Park in Manhattan, an Occupy Wall Street 
protester was sexually assaulted in her tent; according to the New York Post, a 
woman was raped at the same site a few weeks earlier. In Denver, "Occupy" 
activists turned on the police, screaming obscenities and knocking a motorcycle 
cop to the ground. Occupy Oakland grew even more violent, as police were pelted 
with bottles and rocks, and had M-80 firecrackers thrown at them. And in cities 
from Boston to Berkeley, Occupy encampments have coincided with surges in 
vandalism, assault, and theft.
Some individuals have strained to compare the Occupy Wall Street protests to 
the Tea Party movement. "They're not that different," President Obama told 
ABC's Jake Tapper. "Both on the left and the right, I think people feel 
separated from their government." The Daily Show's host Jon Stewart argued: 
"Here's a group of Americans, disenchanted, railing against big government 
bailouts…. These protesters, how are they not like the Tea Party?"
But the contrast between the Occupiers and the Tea Partiers could hardly be 
greater. Tea Party rallies haven't turned public squares into squalid slums or 
incited protesters to curse the police. What the Occupy movement descended to 
in less than two months -- the hundreds of arrests, the vandalism, the 
anti-Semitic rants, the all-night drumming, the public urination -- is like 
nothing the American public saw in more than two years of Tea Party activism.
That isn't a fluke. When you flout the Tenth Commandment -- "Thou shalt not 
covet" -- things are apt to get ugly.
The ranks of both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street are filled with the 
frustrated and the fed-up; both movements seek dramatic change in the nation's 
policies. But the values that propel them are poles apart. The Tea Partiers 
advocate limited government, personal responsibility, lower taxes, and economic 
freedom, all within a framework of constitutional restraint. What the Occupiers 
appear to want above all is to punish the wealthy, to demonize corporations, 
and to wallow in their own victimhood and sense of entitlement. They claim to 
represent "the 99 percent." Many would like to "Shut Down the 1 Percent."
Such class hostility pervades the Occupy movement. It is ubiquitous among the 
signs and chants at the demonstrations ("Wall Street Is Our Street," "Tax the 
Millionaires," "Human Need, Not Corporate Greed"). It is echoed by media 
cheerleaders as well. Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson last week 
condemned income growth among the highest-earning Americans as "theft," while 
NBC's David Gregory observed that the Occupiers' demands "dovetail nicely" into 
Obama's "big message... of going after Wall Street and the banks, talking about 
Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen, interviewing some 200 Zuccotti Park 
protesters, found that most of them share "a deep commitment to left-wing 
politics: opposition to free-market capitalism and support for radical 
redistribution of wealth." They favor stiffer taxes on the wealthy (77 percent) 
and more regulation of business (70 percent), and 31 percent say they would 
engage in violence to advance their agenda.
The violence is not tangential to the agenda. As the mounting hooliganism at 
Occupy encampments suggests, where class resentment takes root, predatory 
lawbreaking frequently follows. When politicians rail against "millionaires and 
billionaires," when social-activist campaigns scapegoat the "1 percent," it is 
only a matter of time before thugs feel emboldened to steal, rape, and worse. 
Class envy is not benign. At its most extreme -- the communist tyrannies of 
Lenin and Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot -- it unleashed the bloodiest genocides of 
the 20th century.
Economic envy may cloak itself in rhetoric about "inequality" or 
"egalitarianism" or "redistribution of wealth," but its oldest name is 
covetousness. That is the sin enjoined by the last of the Ten Commandments: 
"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's 
wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his ass, or anything 
that is thy neighbor's."
A young couple visiting the area look on as demonstrators with 'Occupy Wall 
Street' protest at Zuccotti Park in New York. 
At first blush it may seem odd that God would ban a mere desire. After all, the 
other nine commandments concern behavior: idolatry, theft, perjury, and so on. 
But as a matter of moral and social hygiene, the Tenth Commandment is 
indispensable. Covetousness -- particularly when it takes the form of class 
hatred -- is the root of innumerable other evils. From the belief that you 
don't have enough because others have too much, it isn't that great a stretch 
to the belief that those who have too much should be forced to make do with 
less. It shouldn't be surprising when a movement obsessed with what rich 
capitalists earn rather than with what they produce starts treating other 
people's property and persons with contempt.
Occupy Wall Street preaches that the "1 percent" got rich by exploiting the "99 
percent." The Tea Party believes that with greater freedom and less government, 
we could all be more prosperous and productive. One is rooted in envy, the 
other in self-respect. What distinguishes them, you might say, is the culture 
of the Tenth Commandment. That distinction is showing up in many ways, not 
least in the latest police reports.
(Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe. His website is
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