December 24, 2008 
Something for All SeasonsA recent study shows that men tend to react to holiday 
shopping as if they were soldiers fighting in a war, or police putting down a 
riot . . . that is, with extreme stress, high blood pressure, accelerated heart 

Maybe that’s why I usually wait so long to do my Christmas shopping. It’s just 
not healthy.

So, here comes Christmas again and I’m still thinking about my gift list. At 
the very top of my list is something I wish all Americans had: the right to 
vote on their own laws.

Yes, what I want most for citizens in every state is to get what only 24 states 
offer: Voter initiative and referendum.

It’s no panacea. But it does enable "We the People" to nudge — even push — 
politicians. An amazing number of ballot measures in states with initiative 
rights have successfully reformed or limited government. Wouldn’t it be great 
to have that right everywhere?

I know, I know: Wishing for initiative and referendum everywhere is rather like 
wishing for World Peace. And yet . . . it’s not. We are Americans, and we can 
affect our own politics. We can tell our representatives that we simply won’t 
vote for them unless they pledge to give us legal rights to the initiative 

Sure, world peace would be better. But we can’t control the world. We can, with 
effort, convince our very own elected politicians to give us a gift that, as 
they say, keeps on giving. It’s called initiative and referendum.

This is Common Sense. Happy Holidays. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Paul Jacob is President of Citizens in Charge and a Senior Advisor to the Sam 
Adams Alliance, which sponsors both Paul’s weekly Townhall column and Common 
Sense, a short radio commentary featured in over 100 radio stations throughout 
the country.

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