Help Get the Message Against REAL ID on National Television

National Phone In to Lou Dobbs

On Wednesday, October 22, between the hours of 8:00am EST and 5:00pm EST

We were getting ready to send out our next Report for October...and will soon. But this needs to happen first. Please read this and take action!

Work with our friends at The Constitutional Alliance and Stop the Real ID Coalition Read on:

  • The Constitutional Alliance, a coalition of state lawmakers, national grassroots organizations and citizens that oppose the Real ID Act of 2005, needs your help.
  • The national media is ignoring the dangers of international and domestic data banks and the use of biometrics. Your personal privacy and liberty is at stake. Real ID uses biometrics to track your location, purchases and habits...The ID card holds your health, financial and legal history.
  • One of the nation's best spokesmen for this cause is Pennsylvania Legislator Sam Rohrer. Hear his recent Freedom Advocate's radio interview and read his important writing Real ID: Connecting the Dots to an International ID
  • Help get Rep. Rohrer on national television!

Action to Take:

1. On Wednesday, October 22, between the hours of 8:00Am EST and 5:00pm EST, we ask every concerned American to call Lou Dobbs of CNN and request that he invite Rep. Rohrer on his show to discuss the dangers of REAL ID, biometrics and the sharing of every American's personal information in International data banks

2. Number to Call: (404) 827-1500 (select option 2 - leave a message or wait for operator to answer.) Tell Mr. Dobbs that you want him to invite Rep. Sam Rohrer to his show to discuss REAL ID. If the line is busy - keep calling back. Be sure to provide Rep. Rohrer's office phone number: (610) 775-5130.

3. It is also vital that you send an E-mail to Lou Dobbs as well. Here is a link to him comment box: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?9

Please complete the form and ask that Rep. Rohrer be invited to the show to discuss REAL ID. Be sure to leave Rep. Rohrer's phone number here as well.

It is urgent that we get the message out about how REAL ID and biometric and international data banks threaten our freedom. Our nation's elected officials and the American people are not hearing the truth. That is why it is so important that we get this message on national television. Lou Dobbs is our best chance to do that.

Please make your calls and send your e-mails this Wednesday - for greatest impact. And please send this message to family and friends.

Watch for the next Freedom Advocates "Report" for October/November. There are some interesting 'goings on' and we want to keep you up to date and well equipped with good information in the battle to restore our liberties. Meanwhile, we need to flood Lou Dobbs's CNN phone lines.


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