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Stop the "Stimulus" Spending Spree! 
President-elect Obama and Congressional Democrats are getting ready to heap 
more tax dollars on potentially wasteful government projects. The price tag for 
their expected "stimulus" package now tops $775 billion.
States and cities have compiled their wish list of supposedly "shovel ready" 
projects for this federal funding, but research by the National Taxpayers Union 
uncovered numerous silly spending proposals -- don't miss our YouTube video 
exposing some of these projects -- submitted to Congress by the U.S. Conference 
of Mayors, including:

$6,000,000 for snowmaking and maintenance facilities at Spirit Mountain Ski 
Resort in Duluth, Minnesota.
$1,000,000 to cover improvements to the Los Angeles Convention Center's 
$6,000,000 to make improvements to Water Surfers Point in Ventura, California. 
If the thought of one taxpayer nickel going to "stimulating" ventures like 
these gives you even the slightest pause, please tell Congress to oppose this 
unprecedented government giveaway. E-mail your Representative and Senators 
right now -- it will only take a moment!

Send a letter to the following decision maker(s): 
Your Congressperson 
Your Senators 

Below is the sample letter:
Subject: Vote NO on the "Stimulus" Spending Spree
Dear [decision maker name automatically inserted here],
I strongly urge you to oppose the upcoming government spending spree, otherwise 
known as President-elect Barack Obama's "stimulus" package.

I know the temptation to "do something" about the current economic situation 
may be strong, but last year's financial bailout once again showed us that 
rushing in with tax money is irresponsible. Haste makes waste.

I'm counting on you to not give away hundreds of billions of dollars for 
projects with questionable economic impact. The "stimulus" plan is turning into 
a giveaway for states, cities, and other politically-connected special 
interests, and my friends and family shouldn't be forced to finance any 
lobbyist's wish list.

I'm also concerned about President-elect Obama's pledge to hire 600,000 more 
federal government employees. I'll be on the hook for paying their salaries, 
their benefits, and their pensions! No thank you.

A bigger government is likely to hurt -- not help -- our economy. After all, ta 
xpayers will be stuck with the tab for new spending, either sooner (through 
more taxes) or later on (through more debt our children will pay). Vote NO.



Take Action!

Click here to take action on this issue 

Use the link below to share this important alert with your friends and family. 

What's At Stake:

NTU worked hard during the fall of 2008 to stop a $50 billion "stimulus" 
package. We were outraged that the House's legislative scheme gave priority to 
projects that "can award contracts based on bids within 120 days of enactment." 
In other cases, it favored "those activities that are labor intensive." Speed 
and make-work shouldn't be the primary drivers of how taxpayer dollars are 
spent. (Don't miss our YouTube video on this.) Thankfully, enough Senators 
agreed with us to defeat the plan.
Taxpayers are now facing a spending spree of a far greater magnitude. 
President-elect Barack Obama, along with Congressional Democrats and a fair 
number of Republicans, want to bail out state governments and dump money into 
questionable infrastructure projects with the hope that the economy will 
somehow respond. 
But keep in mind that bloated government budgets don't make economies soar. 
They certainly didn't work here in the 1970s, the last time Washington tried 
spending its way out of a slump. It hasn't worked in Japan either, where 
they've poured huge sums into public works projects over past decades, helping 
to boost their national debt level to 150 percent of Gross Domestic Product -- 
the highest in the industrialized world. Japanese citizens are still waiting 
for the boom. 
The reason for these failures is simple -- pumping money into the inefficient 
public sector means taking it out of the private sector through taxes or 
borrowing, which can reduce or stall growth overall. 
Many state and city governments, some of whom are experiencing deficits of 
their own making, are also looking for a bailout via a "stimulus" bill. On the 
whole, state outlays have grown 124 percent over where they were 10 years ago, 
and debt has increased by 95 percent. Clearly, some states and localities 
allowed themselves to be caught up in the borrow-and-spend mania. Now that the 
economy has soured, they want Uncle Sugar to finance their habits. This just 
isn't fair to taxpayers. 
The better way to jump-start the economy and keep it going is through tax 
relief. How about locking into place the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts that are set to 
expire after 2010? If families can count on current tax rates, many will be 
more comfortable investing today instead of fearing the tax man's bigger bite 
in 2011. Or what about allowing full and immediate expensing for small 
businesses? This would encourage firms to invest in the assets such as 
equipment and real estate that could help expand and invigorate operations. 
Pro-growth tax policy can best lay the groundwork for a sustainable economic 
expansion -- one that will provide the solid foundation for tomorrow's tax 

Campaign Expiration Date:
March 30, 2009 

If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for NTU's Taxpayer 
Action Center. 

If you would like to unsubscribe from NTU's Taxpayer Action Center, or update 
your account settings, please click here or respond to this email with "REMOVE" 
as the subject line. National Taxpayers Union 108 N. Alfred St. Alexandria, VA 


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