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From: Townhall Spotlight <townhallmess...@townhallmail.com>
Date: Mon, May 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Video: Humane Society of the United States Fundraising Scandal
To: tom martz <t.ma...@gmail.com>

  *Humane Society of the United States Fundraising Scandal! *

When you hear the words “Humane Society,” what’s the first thing that comes
to mind? Is it a pet shelter where families can adopt unwanted dogs and
cats? Or is it a super-rich animal rights lobbying group that runs
absolutely no pet shelters<http://www.townhallmail.com/fffjqggr_gkejdplt.html>,
and gives *less than 4 percent* of its $100 million budget to those who do?

We thought so.

Meet the Humane Society of the United
This slick and moneyed PETA clone has pulled the wool over the eyes of
countless Americans—including Rush
who recently recorded two public service announcements for the group.

Last week WSB-TV in Atlanta uncovered what Rush has somehow been unable to
see <http://www.townhallmail.com/pxxozkko_gkejdplt.html>: that HSUS is “an
organization actively misleading donors to get money.”

you enjoy a good steak, if you hunt or fish, if you wear leather shoes, if
you take your kids to the circus, if you (or a family member) owe your life
to medical research that involved lab animals—the Humane Society of the
United States doesn’t share your values. The group has the same agenda as
PETA <http://www.townhallmail.com/iccedfgf_gkejdplt.html> and the rest of
the animal rights industry. And it *is* an industry. The Humane Society of
the United States has an astonishing $200 million in the bank.

If you are a Humane Society of the United States donor, it’s time to
reconsider that decision. Thousands of struggling pet
shelters—*legitimate *Humane
Societies—could use your help. There’s a good chance at least one of them is
in your own community. And unlike the Humane Society of the United States,
they’re not working overtime to ban hunting & fishing, cancel the circus,
turn your boots into contraband, or stop cancer research in its tracks.

The next time a solicitation e-mail comes from the Humane Society of the
United States, watch this video from WSB-TV in

Better yet, send this link to everyone in your address book: *

You could be saving a friend or loved one from making a big mistake.

For more information about the deceptive Humane Society of the United
States, including the “7 Things You Didn’t Know” about the group, visit *

*The Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit organization devoted to
promoting personal responsibility and protecting consumer choices. Please
support our work by donating

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"no cause is lost if there is but one fool to fight for it"
~Will Turner~
~Pirate's of the Caribbean @ World's End~



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~Justice John Marshall~

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-Pericles (430 B.C.)

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