Why should we pay billions in taxes to keep unhealthy people unhealthy.
Obomas health plan will kill our financial health and they will keep puff'en 
on Menthol KOOLS and lick'en the BUTTER dish.
Find a Tae Kwon Do (tie-kwahn-doe) "the way of the hands and feet" class and 
Larry Fairtax Melton
Oprah's Weight and Obama's Food-o-rama 
by  _Chuck Norris _ 

According to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll, Obama is the man Americans admire 
most. And that fixation has focused recently upon his fitness, which some say 
even contributed to his victory in the election. 

Those who doubt Obama's pro-organic positions are referred to an array of 
nutritional news stories, blogs, photos and video streams of him eating, 
playing basketball, working out at the gym, etc. This past week, one of the 
largest Internet searches was sneaking a peak of the hearty and shirtless 
president-elect on the beach at his $9 million Hawaiian holiday getaway. 
even a Website committed to every possible link between food, drinks and Obama, 
Obamafoodorama.blogspot.com, including Barack's favorite trail mix and his 
beer of choice, the "audacity of hops." 

While many admire Obama's physique and others commend his athletic ability, 
critics are busy lambasting some of his present actions as not what he pitched 
on the campaign trail. They say proof is in his personal consumption 
practices, which include periodic binges of fast and fatty foods and nicotine 
Further political evidence is found in his choice for agriculture secretary, 
former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, whom many frown upon for his support for big 
agribusiness, genetically modified crops and ethanol subsidies.  
_Continued _ (http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=30094#continueA)    


To be honest, I'm not sure if Obama is fit enough to be America's next 
nutritional guru, but I would remind him (especially as a relatively young 
president) that his health disciplines can help shape our country's youth like 
others in the past, especially in a processed and fast food nation, in which 
are more food additives than grains of sand at the beach, not to mention that 
obesity now affects one-third of all youth. 

Here's something else of which I am quite certain: that we should not be a 
tenth as fixated upon Obama's nutritional plan (or even Oprah's fluctuating 
weight) as we should be on our own. Whether Obama sneaks a few puffs or Oprah 
splurges on bagels and cream cheese, we should be more self-reflective than 
judgmental and examine our own eating and exercise habits, and not just those 
culture admires. In an age where organic foods are making mainstream news, 
gaining an upper hand on dinner tables and restaurant menus, we all need to 
to be fit and provide better models of well-being, instead of waiting for 
another "government bailout" in the form of universal health care to rescue us 
our declining health. 

I truly believe that the remedy to our health care crisis begins with 
Americans, not governmental intervention and more bureaucracy that mandates 
socialized medicine. Our Founders agreed. They never could have imagined a 
micromanaging civilian diets by creating a Food and Drug Administration or U.S. 
Department of Agriculture. Thomas Jefferson once quipped, "Was the government 
to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping 
as our souls are now." Our Founders' health care system was a very simple 
one: take care of your health. 

We don't need to pay hundreds of billions of dollars through new taxes to 
provide universal medical coverage. If anything, I believe the government needs 
to discover more ways to motivate personal responsibility and disease 
prevention, encourage the states' role as stages for new market-based ideas, 
county and community health collaborations, and challenge the private sector to 
seek creative ways to bring down medical costs. 

Most of all, if we took better care of ourselves, we could reduce our 
personal and national medical costs, and live longer and happier at the same 
That is also exactly why I've endorsed the Total Gym for over 30 years and 
devoted an entire chapter in my new book "Black Belt Patriotism" to "Be fit for 
fight," which contains for the first time my personal diet and workout plan 
as well as 50 years of fitness knowledge that can help you overcome the 
obstacles to being a better you in 2009. 

A short time back, a friend sent me one of those Chuck Norris Facts that 
circulate the Internet. It read, "Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato 
chip." Whoever wrote that fact has not seen me when I am watching a football 
at home. I can tear the bag open during the first quarter and ask myself by 
halftime, "What's this empty bag doing in my hand (while licking the salt from 
fingertips)?" I won't even tell you how quick a bowl of ice cream can 
disappear in the second half! 

I'm a believer in new beginnings. That is why I'm an advocate of New Year's 
resolutions. Now, before tuning me out about fresh starts, hear me out. The 
potential to fail is always present. But so is the potential to succeed and 
to the next level. And studies show that our successes actually happen more 
often than we think. 

A University of Washington survey conducted a number of years ago showed that 
63 percent of the people questioned were still keeping their No. 1 resolution 
after two months. That's great and hope-filled news. 

Whether you want to exercise more, lose weight, stop smoking, cut down on 
alcohol, make a new spiritual commitment or make new friends, don't ever quit 
striving to better yourself each and every year. 

Or, as Benjamin Franklin put it, "Be always at war with your vices, at peace 
with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man." If you do, 
I believe you too will find the power and discipline to eat just one Lay's 
potato chip! Of course, except during football games! 

(Note: In December, Chuck is giving away a free chapter of his current New 
York Times best-seller, "Black Belt Patriotism." To obtain yours, go to 
_www.ChuckNorrisOffer.com_ (http://www.ChuckNorrisOffer.com) .)

**************New year...new news.  Be the first to know what is making 
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