Missouri: Castle Doctrine Expansion Bill Needs Your Help!
Please Thank Your State Representative Today! 
This week, the Missouri House of Representatives passed _House Bill 668_ 
(http://www.house.mo.gov/content.aspx?info=/bills091/bills/hb668.htm) , 
sponsored by State Representative Kenny Jones (R-117).  
This impboundaries.ortant legislation would expand Missouri’s Castle 
Doctrine to now include your private property  HB668 would also lower the 
Right-to-Carry minimum age requirement from 23 to 21, prevent municipalities 
regulating your possession of a firearm, and expand the number of places a 
Right-to-Carry permit holder could carry concealed. 
Please contact your State Representative TODAY and thank them for 
supporting HB66.  Contact information can be found _here_ 
(http://www.capwiz.com/nra/state/main/?state=MO&view=myofficials) .
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