Dear all,
with the goal in mind, to understand the reading and displaying process of DICOM images better, I followed 
your description on creating and customizing a viewer under << >>.
Among other questions, that I will send later on (I want to make sure I haven't missed something there), there is one thing that I would like to know and was unable to find by now: 
in the so called "Spartan Viewer" of the Custom Viewer part in the Blueberry Example, I can go to the DICOM viewer and load a chosen
directory: but where is the source code for this operation?? And also, where is the code defining the image displaying behind the View - Button in the same view?

I clicked myself through a lot of projects now, I hoped it would be in the views - plugin, where the "DicomView.cpp" is .... 
it appears to happen in the "AddDataNodeFromDICOM" function, but then I don't see where it is connected to the "View" Button...
I would appreciate clarification on that topic, because I am quite confused by now.
Thanks a lot!
Kind regards,
Ivaylo Angelov
mitk-users mailing list

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