
did you read this page? http://www.heroinewarrior.com/cinelerra/cinelerra.html#LOADING%20FILES

I think,this does the trick.

MPEG program streams and transport streams

You need to run mpeg3toc on these just like MPEG 1,2 video. Program and transport streams are structured into multiple tracks. Each track can be video or audio. Each audio track can have 1-6 channels. Cinelerra converts each channel of audio into a track, so for MPEG streams with multiple tracks, the tracks will be flattened.

Should work like: mpeg3toc /full_path/output.m1v output.toc
                  mpeg3toc /full_path/output.mp2 outputmps2.toc

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005 23:04:11 +0200, Nicolas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

MJPEG version : CVS 1.7.0
Cinelerra version : CVS
Linux Distribution: Debian SID

Hello there!

Following my old messages to that mailing-list, I tried to import an
MJPEG file into Cinelerra.

I asked why it's not possible to load an mjpeg file in Cinelerra in the
Cinelerra mailing-list, but I did not get any reply. The Cinelerra
mailing list isn't as active as the mjpeg one.

That's why I now post here to get your opinion and your help...

I just read something about mjpeg in a Wiki dedicated to Cinelerra.
Here's what's written in that page:
* video:
o lav2yuv original.avi | mpeg2enc -o output.m1v
* audio:
o lav2wav original.avi | mp2enc -o output.mp2
* mixing audio & video:
o mplex output.mp2 output.m1v -o new_video.m1v

I see mpeg2enc is used. They don't import directly into Cinelerra the
MJPEG stream. There's no mpeg2enc parameters. Therefore, I have to
encode the mjpeg stream to avi to use it in Cinelerra.

Guys, I'm totally lost. That stuff is driving me crazy... =(

Here's the command I use to convert my mjpeg stream to .avi which I can
use in Cinelerra:

nice -19 lav2yuv record_01_01.avi | y4munsharp | y4mshift -n -2 |
y4mscaler -I sar=1:1 -I active=704x576+12+2TL -O sar=59:54 -O
size=640x560 -S option=sinc:6 | yuvmedianfilter -T 3 -t 0 |
yuvdeinterlace -f | mpeg2enc -f 3 -b 7500 -g 6 -G 9 -V 500 -c -D 10 -E
-10 -q 2 -K tmpgenc -o record_01_01.m2v

However, the result isn't good. The aspect ratio is totally wrong, as
you can see here:

Do you think the problem comes from my use of mjpegtools or my use of

For the moment, I would like an .avi file which I can use with Cinelerra
with a good aspect ratio, and no black border. I'd like it to display
fullscreen on a computer screen (no DVD for the moment) without any
black border around the picture. Yes, I know rescaling a picture isn't
good for the quality, but I don't have any choice.

Here's a very short extract of an mjpeg stream I use an input with
It's only 1 or 2 seconds long, but mjpeg streams are soooooo large that
I don't want to annoy you with 100Mo to download...

I really don't know what to do. There're so much parameters, that's
incredible. For sure, it's possible to do tons of things with
mjpegtools, but that's really too hard to understand without spending
days or months trying and retrying... The problem is that I use
mjpegtools not for the "technical aspect" of the program. I really use
it to produce videos which I send over the internet (the last one was
downloaded more that 7.500 times in 45 days):
That one was done with the old version of mjpegtools (1.6.2). But I
really need to use the CVS version to increase the image quality. As you
will see in that video, the picture quality isn't very good... ;-(

I need time to work on the scenarii, to organize the footage... On last
week-end, I'll do 2 new videos. More than 40 people are involved.
Please help me, I really would avoid installing Windows on my computer
to do my videos... =( I really like to put a picture of a Tux at the end
of my movies...

I also have some .avi files which I get with lavrec. The video was taken
on last weekend. Several hundreds people wait for me to release a DVD of
the (motorbike race) event.

Thank you very much for your help...

Nicolas, Paris.

PS: All the videos I produce are free to download for everyone, I'm not
making money out of it.

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